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Sunday, April 04, 2004

Pepsi: The Choice of a New Iraqi Generation 

Naomi Klein is probably the most essential commentator on Iraq's economic situation I've yet come across. In "Let's Make Enemies," she describes an interesting interview conducted as the US was shutting down an Iraqi newspaper.
While US soldiers were padlocking the door of the newspaper's office, I found myself at what I thought would be an oasis of pro-Americanism, the Baghdad Soft Drinks Company. On May 1 this bottling plant will start producing one of the most powerful icons of American culture: Pepsi-Cola. I figured that if there was anyone left in Baghdad willing to defend the Americans, it would be Hamid Jassim Khamis, the Baghdad Soft Drinks Company's managing director. I was wrong.

"All the trouble in Iraq is because of Bremer," Khamis told me, flanked by a line-up of thirty Pepsi and 7-Up bottles. "He didn't listen to Iraqis. He doesn't know anything about Iraq. He destroyed the country and tried to rebuild it again, and now we are in chaos."
And she affirms something I said as soon as Bush announced the June 30 so-called transfer of power.
The US occupation authority has also found a sneaky way to maintain control over Iraq's armed forces. Bremer has issued an executive order stating that even after the interim Iraqi government has been established, the Iraqi army will answer to US commander Lieut. Gen. Ricardo Sanchez. In order to pull this off, Washington is relying on a legalistic reading of a clause in UN Security Council Resolution 1511, which puts US forces in charge of Iraq's security until "the completion of the political process" in Iraq. Since the "political process" in Iraq is never-ending, so, it seems, is US military control.
One more election-year gambit with no substance whatsoever. But don't expect CNN to report it that way, of course.

Klein also referenced a quote from Health & Human Services Secretary (and former WI Governor) Tommy Thompson about Iraq's hospitals, which I hadn't heard. While on a tour of an Iraqi hospital, Thompson said conditions would improve "if they just washed their hands and cleaned the crap off the walls." Man, who would have thought it was that simple?

Image swiped from Sophie.


While looking for Magritte yesterday, I came upon the Nike spoof at left, which looks like it belongs at subvertise.org. There's some cool stuff there -- check it out.

As for this cartoon, I have no idea. Your guess is as good as mine.

The question of the day is: What exactly is a papasan? Is it any piece of rattan or wicker furniture, suitable for sitting? Or is it specifically the familiar round chair with the stuffed cushion? Well, I couldn't find any definitive answers online, but judging from papasanfurniture.com, it refers to the style of furniture, not the one particular chair. Of course, I could be wrong, so I've posted a Curious, George post at MonkeyFilter. Maybe someone will provide some answers there.


Speaking of MoFi, praise be unto it for MetalBaby, which is pretty fun and uses a Flash tactic I wish I could figure out.

Today I'm listening to: Wagon Christ!
