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Sunday, November 27, 2005

Vote Cheesehead Feingold! 

Today US Senator (D-WI) Russ Feingold told ABC's This Week: "...this country is overdue for a cheesehead president. We've never had one." The AP article notes:
A cheesehead is a native or resident of Wisconsin, a leading dairy state. The term also refers to the yellow "cheese" wedges worn on the heads of Green Bay Packers football fans.
So I whipped up this Photoshop job. I'll either get an appreciative note from the good Senator, or a legal notice that I must take it down forthwith. I'll let you know. (And why would he make a good president?)


This week's SynCast is a hastily-slapped-together mishmash made right before I ran off to grab Diane from the airport. We've got stuff from:
  1. Run-DMC
  2. Harry Caray
  3. Victor Borge
  4. and more!
Enjoy. Also, while I was searching for a cheesehead to put on Sen. Feingold, I found this. Funny.


The Blue Button Game is fun for about three minutes.

Today I'm listening to: The New Style! (4 and 3 and 2 and 1)
