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Sunday, January 15, 2006

The Pit and the Pendulum 

In lieu of a proper show, this week's SynCast takes the form of Edgar Allan Poe's classic short story "The Pit and the Pendulum", as read by yours truly for the public-domain literature site LibriVox. Check it out and do some reading yourself!

Reaching the End

That picture to the right is taller than the text I've got so far; thus I need to fill in some more words here. Let's see.. It was great seeing Mark in Chicago yesterday -- enjoy the Mitch, dude. And where the [expletive]'s my present?

Go see Brokeback Mountain. Excellent story, beautiful cinematography. Important social message, of course. I was impressed with the layers of the storytelling. And Heath Ledger does a very nice job.

Okay. Well, I'm out of things to talk about. Got Semester II coming up on Tuesday -- time to start having The Dream again. (I actually have the cards all ready; I tape them to the tables tomorrow.)


When Robots Attack! Good fun. Not precisely my musical cup o' tea (TPCQ: "Fish, chips, cup o' tea.."), but amusing and superb animation.

Today I'm listening to: Autechre!
