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Sunday, April 25, 2004

Don't Go Into the Basement! 

You know how, when you're watching a scary movie, you try to warn the stupid people against heading into certain peril? You know there's a monster in the basement. The characters know there's a monster in the basement. Everyone knows something horrible is going to happen if they go into the basement -- and the result will be lots and lots of blood and corpses. You yell to the screen: "Don't go into the basement! Pick another way to deal with the monster!"

Am I the only one who's yelling at the screen now as the US prepares to enter Najaf? Sadr has said that if US forces attack Najaf, his forces will "resort to suicide operations and we will be human time-bombs." Don't go into the basement! (Or rather: Don't send other peoples' children into the basement!)

So why are we going into the basement?
With the new move, the military seeks to impose a degree of control in Najaf, while hoping a foray limited to the modern parts of the ancient city would not inflame Shiites. Brig. Gen. Mark Hertling did not say when troops would move in, or how many.

American officials were attempting a similar, limited step in the war-torn city of Fallujah, the other main front of fighting.
Yeah, and we all know how well that's working out, right? Don't go into the basement!

Well, we won't have to worry about any more basements after June 30, right? Because we'll be handing over control to the Iraqis. Oh wait -- no, we won't.

I'm gonna go play some more True Crime. Everything makes sense in the world of violent video games.


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Today I'm listening to: Deep Forest!
