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Tuesday, April 13, 2004

The Fire This Time 

As some of you know (probably only those who live in Madison), a house down the street from me blew up last night, thought to be from a gas leak. (This map shows how close we were.)

Diane and Eileen and I were evacuated at 4:00 AM, but we're all okay. There's no structural damage to my place, so we're back home -- others closer to the blast aren't so lucky. (Some of the houses have structural damage so that they can't go back inside, even to get computers and clothing and stuff.)

I'm thanking my lucky stars for our good fortune, offering help to those around us (the Red Cross is doing a lot of good work), and thanking everyone for making this as painless as possible.

For reasons you can probably imagine, there is no TimeWaster™ today. Sorry!
